Booking / Enquiry

Be it further enquiries about what we at Peterson Travel, the leading travel agency in Malaysia, has to offer, or having seen what you like here and would like to book a tour package with us, feel free to fill up the form below and let us know. It is preferable that you provide us with as much details as possible, so that we can respond in a timely and efficient manner. Please be assured that we take the utmost care to keep all information received strictly private and confidential.

Title *
First Name *
Last Name *
Nationality *
Country of Residence*
Phone Number
Email *
Skype ID
Where did you hear about us?
Please advise the keyword used in your web search. This is for our internet statistical report.

Person Travelling
Adults (12+)
Children (4 - 11)
Infants (0 - 3)

Travel Dates
Duration of stay (approx.)
Expect trip starts from
Your Enquiry